Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The residents of my utopia are very encouraged to be themselves.
The residents are under no dress code except for the fact that they need to wear clothes.
There are only very basic laws,such as no killing,pillaging,general chaos,etc.Most choices are for the resident to decide.
The only time murder is forgiven is when it was a totally unavoidable life or death situation.
If people break the laws,depending on the severity of the crime, will be given a fair trial and a fair
sentence.The death sentence does not exist,for how do we prove to our residents killing is wrong by killing someone.The worst sentence they will get is a life sentence.


  1. check spelling on INDIVIDUALITY

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In essence my punishment is almost worse.They take a life,we take their life away from them.They will not be given the mercy of a fast, painless death,we will let them wither away in a prison for the rest of their life.

  4. It was pretty cool, but the Osama Bin Laden was not needed.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I did not think that laws about violence should be put with individuality. It seems like it should be in government.


  7. i agree that killing someone for killing someone else is wrong.

  8. I didn't think to clarify that you have to wear clothes lol
