Tuesday, February 26, 2013



                                       Our government is one that rules with a soft but firm hand.It will mostly leave the residents to themselves,but will step in when an event is severe enough.They protect,but not coddle, they will protect us if we are attacked,but will also let us fight our own battles.
                We have a prime minister,but he/she is chosen through a Democratic election.We have no electoral college,every vote is cast and counted.The majority wins.

               LAWS                                           CONSEQUENCES

            Do not kill unless                            Life in prison;no parole
          it cannot be avoided

         Do not do drugs that                        Forced to go to a rehabilitation center
        that are not prescribed to you
       Do not eat other people                     X amount of years depending on severity
      unless life or death situation
    and they are already dead.

   Go to school or work unless sick        Forced to nearest landmass on Saturday to makeup
   or retired.                                             work or school.

You must attend a court and jury of your peers for your crimes to have a fair trial and fair sentence.
Instead of police,we have a team of private investigators,much more discreet than a police force.

Order is kept by the people themselves,as we trust them,but we will step in to put a stop to chaos.

Government help is issued by food stamps,welfare,etc.Standard government help.If certain patients have certain ailments they are given special things,such as more money because they can't work,or because they have a physical or mental disability or are not mentally or physically stable.



  1. Question , if you didnt do the crime and you were chareged guilty , then you would never get out of jail? I don't think all of this will work.!

  2. I don't think you should be able to eat people even if they're dead. That's really weird.

  3. I totally agree with 'if you kill someone then you go to jail' but I don't agree with eating someone. Even in a life or death situation!!

    ~clara~ :)

  4. I have to disagree with everyone; I think it's very unique how you can eat other people. Long live cannibalism! (I may or may not be joking.)


  5. what does eating people have to do with a lawful government?? and why aren't those cannibalistic people not serving the rest of their life in a mental asylum??
