Tuesday, February 26, 2013


             My citizens live is basically hi-tech huts and cabins.They have as many rooms as the family thinks that they need.They each have Internet,phone ,and cable access.There is also a Main Hall, where the citizens could come to eat,sleep,or just to relax.The Main Hall also is where massive feasts are held in honor of special events, such as birthdays,religious holidays, and military victories(even if we almost never have wars).

        Most of the huts are made of a wood(usually bamboo or hard wood logs) or dried mud bricks.
 The Main Hall is made of large,thick bamboo reeds lashed together with ropes made of vines found in the nearby jungle.
   We live in a tropical island in the Fiji island system.It is warm most of the time here.The island is made up of a large beach circumference and an even larger jungle just beyond the beaches.

We get all of our energy from solar panels and windmills.We grow all of our food and raise our own livestock.I would say we are fairly self sufficient.


  1. braxas- use your spell check option before publishing.

  2. I like the idea, but how are they hi-tech if made out of bamboo lashed together by rope made of vines, found in a jungle?

  3. I wouldn't really like to live in a house made of mud, but besides that it sounds pretty good.
