Thursday, March 14, 2013

Motto,Seal,and Flag

          Our island's motto is "All is one,and one is all,without one,none can stand,and without all,none can stand." this means we are a full community,but we are all original and individual.

Our seal is

The yellow and palm tree represent happiness and relaxation.The orange line in the middle represents the isolation of the island from many wars,fights,etc. of the world.

Our flag is this:

The flag is much different than our seal.The different colors and the opposite directions on the cross represent our affinity for individuality.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Veldt

                   The theme I have chosen is "More is not always better."You could have everything,but would that really make you happy? This leads to the age old question, do material things really make you happy? I don't think so. You could have everything in the world,but would you really want it?

                   The quote I have have chosen is
"That sounds dreadful.Would I have to tie my own shoe instead of letting the show tier do it?And brush my own teeth and comb my own hair and give myself a bath?"
This quote shows that people can be spoiled very easily,and will stay spoiled as long as they are being spoiled.they will expect every thing to be given to them on a silver platter.You will have to break them of this if you ever want them to be fully functional in society.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


             My citizens live is basically hi-tech huts and cabins.They have as many rooms as the family thinks that they need.They each have Internet,phone ,and cable access.There is also a Main Hall, where the citizens could come to eat,sleep,or just to relax.The Main Hall also is where massive feasts are held in honor of special events, such as birthdays,religious holidays, and military victories(even if we almost never have wars).

        Most of the huts are made of a wood(usually bamboo or hard wood logs) or dried mud bricks.
 The Main Hall is made of large,thick bamboo reeds lashed together with ropes made of vines found in the nearby jungle.
   We live in a tropical island in the Fiji island system.It is warm most of the time here.The island is made up of a large beach circumference and an even larger jungle just beyond the beaches.

We get all of our energy from solar panels and windmills.We grow all of our food and raise our own livestock.I would say we are fairly self sufficient.



                                       Our government is one that rules with a soft but firm hand.It will mostly leave the residents to themselves,but will step in when an event is severe enough.They protect,but not coddle, they will protect us if we are attacked,but will also let us fight our own battles.
                We have a prime minister,but he/she is chosen through a Democratic election.We have no electoral college,every vote is cast and counted.The majority wins.

               LAWS                                           CONSEQUENCES

            Do not kill unless                            Life in prison;no parole
          it cannot be avoided

         Do not do drugs that                        Forced to go to a rehabilitation center
        that are not prescribed to you
       Do not eat other people                     X amount of years depending on severity
      unless life or death situation
    and they are already dead.

   Go to school or work unless sick        Forced to nearest landmass on Saturday to makeup
   or retired.                                             work or school.

You must attend a court and jury of your peers for your crimes to have a fair trial and fair sentence.
Instead of police,we have a team of private investigators,much more discreet than a police force.

Order is kept by the people themselves,as we trust them,but we will step in to put a stop to chaos.

Government help is issued by food stamps,welfare,etc.Standard government help.If certain patients have certain ailments they are given special things,such as more money because they can't work,or because they have a physical or mental disability or are not mentally or physically stable.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013



    Our philosophy just basically to be yourself,in family, religion, culture, and language.We accept people of all races,nationalities,and backgrounds.We have really no system of wealth,as we barter and grow our own things.

           Community Planning Description

  •     Conduct interviews, surveys and site inspections concerning factors that affect land usage,such as zoning, traffic flow and housing.
  • Participate in and support team planning efforts
  • Prepare reports, using statistics, charts, and graphs, to illustrate planning studies in areas such as population, land use, or zoning.
  • Prepare, maintain and update files and records, including land use data and statistics.
  • Inspect sites and review plans for minor development permit applications.
  • Perform clerical duties such as composing, typing and proofreading documents, scheduling appointments and meetings, handling mail and posting public notices.
  • Prepare, develop and maintain maps and databases.
  • Information found on

                                         No Man is an Island Reflections

No Man Is An Island

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.

I think this line means that no man is really himself,each person is a part of a whole.

Each is a piece of the continent.
A part of the main.
This part reinforces my hypothosis that it means each person is a part of a whole.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
It would not mean much if one was to go missing or die,as the conitient would still be whole.
As well as if a promontory were
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
It would not matter if you or your friend is rich,or lives somewhere nice,you are both equal.

Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Each time someone dies,it weakens the world,as there is one less person who is to help it.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

I think this means that you should not ask when your time comes,it will come when it will.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Street Art

This street art compliments my utopia fairly well,seeing as how we greatly encourage individualtiy in our residents.We believe that they should go with what they think is right,or to follow their heart.


The residents of my utopia are very encouraged to be themselves.
The residents are under no dress code except for the fact that they need to wear clothes.
There are only very basic laws,such as no killing,pillaging,general chaos,etc.Most choices are for the resident to decide.
The only time murder is forgiven is when it was a totally unavoidable life or death situation.
If people break the laws,depending on the severity of the crime, will be given a fair trial and a fair
sentence.The death sentence does not exist,for how do we prove to our residents killing is wrong by killing someone.The worst sentence they will get is a life sentence.

Daily Life and Economy

     My residents live their days in fairly large houses with internet,telephone, and electricity access.
My residents live on my island for free as long as they go to school and go to work.Money is not needed as my island works on a barter system.If my residents do not go to work or school,unless they are retired(at 50)or sick,have a death in the family, or other greiving times,they are deported to the nearest large landmass,forced to make up the work or school work they missed.They consider free time to be anytime they aren't working.